


CLT v. Raleigh – A Tale of Two Cities

Originally published in DevelopCLT on April 28th, 2016 – see it here.

Often I get calls from people trying to sort out Charlotte and Raleigh. These are two of the hottest commercial real estate markets in the nation right now, and executives and investors are eager to gain insight, perspective and tips from brokers and consultants. People coming in from out of state assume that the two markets should be very similar, but they quickly realize that the office markets, in particular, are complex and nuanced. As a result, my phone rings a lot seeking advice hoping to gain some clarity so that they can make a decision with confidence.

The cause of the spike in activity is due to Charlotte and Raleigh consistently being ranked as two of the hottest markets to watch by organizations that track commercial trends and by institutional investors. You’ve seen the headlines about how hot we are. But the headlines do not tell the entire story.

Read more here

Real estate transactions can be fraught with frustration and pitfalls.

Sometimes the hardest part turns out to be working with your broker, the person who is supposed to help you through the complexities. Veteran commercial real estate broker and client advisor John Culbertson discovered that brokers’ interests aren’t always aligned with those of their clients. He realized there was a better way to advocate for clients and get the deal done.


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