


“Frankly, I am Surprised How Well You Turned Out!”

Dear El Cardinale’

I was in your 7th-grade English composition class with Ms. Ledingham. You were quite the cut up.

You distracted your fellow classmates while learning effective analysis and summarization in written works. I am sure that I suffered from your tomfoolery by not knowing the finer points of the English language! And now I see that you are being sought after as an Expert Witness.

Frankly, I am surprised how well you have turned out. What do you have to say for yourself?

– Ms. Darcy Ellison

There, their, they’re Darcy, you would be surprised at how far you can go in life writing at a 7th-grade level.

Seriously, I find it interesting and fun being an expert on commercial real estate matters. Just last week I took a call from an attorney seeking an expert witness for a case.  The attorney was defending a broker who was being sued by her client. The plaintiff contended the broker did not perform adequate due diligence on the property the buyer purchased. After reviewing the facts, I found the broker performed that amount of DD that is customary.

The attorney did a Google search on me and asked that I send him a copy of my book, Go For Broker: An executive’s guide to hiring a broker for today’s complex real estate deals, along with my checklists and worksheets.

Ironically, this created a potential problem. The attorney believed saw where I have pushed my industry to deliver at a higher standard. In fact, a higher standard than the gal who was being sued. The attorney worried if I came into court as a witness the opposing attorney would contrast Cardinal’s standards against those his client had used.

I was bummed to miss out on that assignment. However, it was also a nice reminder that the standards we adhere to are among the highest in my profession. It’s why my business is built on repeat customers and referrals.

So, Ms. Ellison, I may not have an answer for you. But this I know: by having awesome mentors, good instincts, a passion for real estate, and the inspiration of my family’s achievements, it’s worked out for me.

Real estate transactions can be fraught with frustration and pitfalls.

Sometimes the hardest part turns out to be working with your broker, the person who is supposed to help you through the complexities. Veteran commercial real estate broker and client advisor John Culbertson discovered that brokers’ interests aren’t always aligned with those of their clients. He realized there was a better way to advocate for clients and get the deal done.


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